Two French words in particular were giving her problems: "Parti conservateur"

Two French words in particular were giving her problems: "Parti conservateur"
The Libre Graphics Meeting 2025 is scheduled to take place in Nuremberg, Germany, from May 28 to May 31. The Call for Participation is published at
Please read, share, and consider submitting a proposal!
The pandemic taught me that I could watch movies on a big screen at home and have just as much of a good time, minus commercials and previews, and spending $30 bucks on $5 of snacks.
My fellow man taught me that Hell is other people when it comes to audiences.
And Hollywood hasn't really tried to appeal to my tastes in years.
I think I could be persuaded to go see Mad Max Fury Road on a big screen if they ever rereleased it, mind you.
You can imagine why the government wanted MLK Jr. dead so very badly. Points like these put you on the side of the angels, not so much the kind of people who make a lot of money from warmongering.
Countries that are smart enough to ban X:
China ✅
Countries that are not smart enough to ban X:
Canada ❌
I put fashion news up there with sports news in the sense that I would kill everyone involved, without hesitation, just so that it doesn't even appear in my periphery by accident.
I put fashion news up there with sports news in the sense that I would kill everyone involved, without hesitation, just so that it doesn't even appear in my periphery.
Ea-nāṣir's ghost has a long reach.
I don't know what to tell you, friends, other than if you live in Taliban country, you're going to get Sharia. If you live in Iowa, same deal.