@PatrickoftheG I have a side hustle as an AV engineer, and its becoming increasingly difficult to get *good* copper cable (not copper covered aluminium) for audio work and the prices of what decent stuff does exist has gone through the roof.
Thankfully cable for mains electricity is still usually decent quality, but as its safety critical its audited by various regulators..
@PatrickoftheG it gets nicked all the time even in Britain, and folk are often killed or badly injured trying to remove cable from disused industrial buildings that are still energised (many have on-site substations with as much as 33 000 volts), or they nick the earth cable from substations causing a rising neutral and 400V appearing at sockets where normally only 230V is expected, with predictably unpleasant consequences..
@PatrickoftheG I have a side hustle as an AV engineer, and its becoming increasingly difficult to get *good* copper cable (not copper covered aluminium) for audio work and the prices of what decent stuff does exist has gone through the roof.
Thankfully cable for mains electricity is still usually decent quality, but as its safety critical its audited by various regulators..
@vfrmedia That's interesting, I wouldn't have thought there'd be a copper crisis going on like that or so much money in the theft of it.
@PatrickoftheG it gets nicked all the time even in Britain, and folk are often killed or badly injured trying to remove cable from disused industrial buildings that are still energised (many have on-site substations with as much as 33 000 volts), or they nick the earth cable from substations causing a rising neutral and 400V appearing at sockets where normally only 230V is expected, with predictably unpleasant consequences..