
Mindless Link Propagation (Page 32 of 202)

By @sigrid@nein.ftrv.se at Mon January 20, 2025 at 05:15:58AM GMT

Once a year I find something to write an extremely short blog post about, which could probably fit in a post here, but I need notes somewhere I can find them.

This time it's about cool C compiler options that show you stuff that isn't used in any way - data and functions which aren't static.


By @khm@hj.9fs.net at Sun January 19, 2025 at 23:46:37PM GMT

In this release:

New file system gefs(4) now enabled in the installer.

CVE-2024-8158 fixed.

ip/ipconfig now support dhcpv6 dynaic allocations and handles prefix expirations.
In this release:

New file system gefs(4) now enabled in the installer.

CVE-2024-8158 fixed.

ip/ipconfig now support dhcpv6 dynaic allocations and handles prefix expirations.

honeycomb kernel

git fixes

custom sam b2 menu items



2025-01-19T04:47:23Z (MLP)
By @hub@cosocial.ca at Sun January 19, 2025 at 04:47:23AM GMT

Reading a publishing internal presentation from Nokia in the after iPhone launch.

It says:

"Nokia needs to develop the touch UI to fight back. S60 should be focus. Maemo platform is critical strength due to openness. Nokia needs a Chief UI architect to re-energize Nokia’s UI innovation across platforms and businesses."

Their failure was all self inflicted.


2025-01-18T19:56:39Z (MLP)
By @PatrickoftheG@mastodon.social at Sat January 18, 2025 at 19:56:39PM GMT

This puts me in mind of that RCMP threat analysis article that was all the rage last year about young Canadians being a threat to the civil order, because of their likelihood to revolt, when they realize how absolutely categorically and catastrophically screwed they will be economically.


2025-01-18T03:15:14Z (MLP)
By @hub@cosocial.ca at Sat January 18, 2025 at 03:15:14AM GMT

Montreal awards $100M in construction contracts to company it just barred for bad work

"A construction company that was recently barred from getting municipal contracts for two years because of its poor performance was approved for two new contracts worth over $100 million by Montreal’s city executive committee on Wednesday."
