
Mindless Link Propagation (Page 30 of 202)

2025-01-17T04:58:50Z (MLP)
By @pixelfed@mastodon.social at Fri January 17, 2025 at 04:58:50AM GMT

Pixelfed exists today because of @nlnet's vital support since 2019.

Their grants helped build our ethical photo-sharing platform from the ground up.

The EU must continue funding projects, as we have proven, they can be hugely popular and shift the control back to the people, where it belongs.


2025-01-16T21:00:27Z (MLP)
By @Khrys@mamot.fr at Thu January 16, 2025 at 21:00:27PM GMT

No billionaires at FOSDEM


Dorsey is presumably being platformed in Janson because his blockchain bullshit company is a main sponsor of FOSDEM this year. Dorsey and his colleagues want to get us up to speed on what Block is working on these days. Allow me to give you a preview: [...]Jack Dorsey laid off 1,000 employees, ordering them not to publicly discuss board member Jay-Z’s contemporary sexual assault allegations on their way out

2025-01-16T19:51:48Z (MLP)
By @gersande@silvan.cloud at Thu January 16, 2025 at 19:51:48PM GMT

Last August, Lynch (who had emphysema) said he might never direct again because of the "let it rip" covid unmitigation strategies adopted by governments everywhere.

Wondering how many mourners would willingly, and without prompting, wear a mask around people suffering from Long Covid, respiratory illnesses, or other immune dysfunction, out of respect for their struggle, instead of placing the entire burden on vulnerable disabled people.


2025-01-16T14:05:39Z (MLP)
By @AlSweigart@mastodon.social at Thu January 16, 2025 at 14:05:39PM GMT

If he were alive, he would definitely get away with this with no real penalty, if any penalty at all.

If only there was a way to hold these executives accountable and deter this behavior.

I suggest a letter-writing campaign. First, we need their addresses.
