
About driusan.net

If this site seems a little weird, it's probably because it is.

driusan.net contains an aggregation of public posts from the Fediverse presented in the style of a Scoop (The software that was used to power Kuro5hin (K5) in days gone by) site.

It is statically generated from the content of the database of my Fedi9 ActivityPub implementation for Plan 9 (or more specifically, 9front.)

Currently, anything addressed to the public which ends up in the inbox of @driusan@driusan.net will be included on this site. It may, at some point in the future, include a voting system to determine which content gets posted, similarly to K5.

If anything you posted ended up on this site, it's because 1. the post address to the public and 2. it somehow got shared/federated to @driusan@driusan.net's inbox (similarly to how it might end up on the "Federated" page of a Mastodon instance even if it's not your home server.) Still, if you own anything here that you'd like removed, contact @driusan@mas.to.

If you want your posts to end up on this site, you can either tag @driusan@driusan.net so that they get sent to the account used to build the site, or send a follow request so I can follow back. If may take time for posts to appear because the static rebuilding process is not yet automated.