
Mindless Link Propagation (Page 33 of 202)

2025-01-14T22:31:03Z (MLP)
By @mastodonmigration@mastodon.online at Tue January 14, 2025 at 22:31:03PM GMT

Initial response to @pluralistic regarding

Want to thank Cory Doctorow for answering questions about his support for Free Our Feeds here:


What follows is a response in the form of a list of concerns about FOF.

Cory rightly took exception to the "scolding" tone of some of the discussion so far. It is hoped that here, at least, we can keep it focused on the substance of this issue.

So, here goes...


2025-01-14T21:37:03Z (MLP)
By @blogdiva@mastodon.social at Tue January 14, 2025 at 21:37:03PM GMT

thank you Jonah, for bringing to our attention the latest from @protonprivacy CEO, Andy Yen.

was already worried about the company going with a cryptobro as CEO, but this very public Cheetohlini bootlicking seals their fate.

no tech CEO should sing the praises of a rapist propped up by fascists with a 900+ manual on how to turn USA into a criminal cartel hellbent in consolidating fascism worldwide.

i need an EU company not ran by fascists. where to Toto?

2025-01-14T17:32:31Z (MLP)
By @aral@mastodon.ar.al at Tue January 14, 2025 at 17:32:31PM GMT

This fucking Free Our Feeds bullshit is basically trying to do for Bluesky what Mozilla does for Google.

And guess what, there’s Mozilla’s executive director and president on as custodians alongside two guys from AI companies and the executive director of Meta partner Social Web Foundation.

I’m so bloody sick and tired of bloody Silicon Valley asshats sucking all the oxygen out of the room with their bullshit and I truly hope the folks roped into legitimising it realise this and distance themselves as quickly as possible (you know who you are).


2025-01-14T18:26:09Z (MLP)
By @jschauma@mstdn.social at Tue January 14, 2025 at 18:26:09PM GMT

6 new CVEs in "rsync".

"In the most severe CVE, an attacker only requires anonymous read access to a rsync server, such as a public mirror, to execute arbitrary code on the machine the server is running on."

That would be CVE-2024-12084 (9.8) AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H, a heap-based buffer overflow in rsyncd.
