
Mindless Link Propagation (Page 27 of 202)

2025-01-22T12:54:29Z (MLP)
By @PatrickoftheG@mastodon.social at Wed January 22, 2025 at 12:54:29PM GMT

The goal is not to restrict access to pornography but to have you constantly logged in and tracked and associated with your real life ID across the whole of the internet. This will be for marketing purposes but the domestic surveillance industry is not going to be upset, at all, by their lives getting easier.

Bonus: Eliminate all places with anonymity by binding them to burdensome ID verification that only corpo internet can afford, and thereby give them all business.


2025-01-22T11:55:45Z (MLP)
By @PatrickoftheG@mastodon.social at Wed January 22, 2025 at 11:55:45AM GMT

I understand why this article is written and what it's trying to do while, at the same time, absolutely hating this article.

No shit, women are half of everyone and have always been half of everyone, and are therefore half of *every age and ever thing that has ever been done under the sun* you meatheads.

But this article isn't for me, it's for the meatheads, so I will let it pass. PS - stop being meatheads you chuckclefucks.


2025-01-22T11:55:23Z (MLP)
By @PatrickoftheG@mastodon.social at Wed January 22, 2025 at 11:55:23AM GMT

I understand why this article is written and what it's trying to do while, at the same time, absolutely hate this article.

No shit, women are half of everyone and have always been half of everyone, and are therefore half of *every age and ever thing that has ever been done under the sun* you meatheads.

But this article isn't for me, it's for the meatheads, so I will let it pass. PS - stop being meatheads you chuckclefucks.


2025-01-17T11:01:41Z (MLP)
By @interlisp@fosstodon.org at Fri January 17, 2025 at 11:01:41AM GMT

The 2024 Medley Interlisp Project Annual Report is out with a summary of our work:


The 2024 report aims in particular at people not familiar with the project or software. To achieve this the report tries to explain the rationale behind the work we did, introduces the major Medley subsystems, and links to further resources.

What do you think of the report? Would you like to contribute to the project? We look forward to your feedback.