The goal is not to restrict access to pornography but to have you constantly logged in and tracked and associated with your real life ID across the whole of the internet. This will be for marketing purposes but the domestic surveillance industry is not going to be upset, at all, by their lives getting easier.
Bonus: Eliminate all places with anonymity by binding them to burdensome ID verification that only corpo internet can afford, and thereby give them all business.
Bonus Points II: It's gets real easy to doxx you if you say something controversial, like maybe a certain place shouldn't be killing quite as many women and children via starvation as they are right now, or that maybe trans rights are human rights.
Such a shame about your antisemitic/pedophile views, citizen, and now we will harass your employer to punish you for it.
@PatrickoftheG fully expecting platforms to be integrated into US domestic spying. Many Americans will happily give the private sector plenty of personal information and then complain about there being a census every once in a while.
You know which platforms.
@AlexanderVI As a non-American, I get the bonus of having absolutely no rights at all in America and so therefore can be spied on as much as America pleases (and then the data shared with my own government).
And yeah, the census thing.
But I get the census rage. It's top down driven so that governments can govern based on feelings instead of facts, which is useful if the facts don't check out in your favour. So might as well get the peasants all angry at the census.
@PatrickoftheG The history of capitalism is everything starts off free until its access is eventually enclosed. This was true of land and it will also be true of virtual real estate too.
However, the pirates never really go away. They are just less open about what they do.
@Black_Flag I salute your flag then.