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2025-02-26T03:19:55Z (Diaries)
By @hub@cosocial.ca at Wed February 26, 2025 at 03:19:55AM GMT

How is the candidate French during a press scrum?

Well, I can't tell as CBC overdubs. That's why this country isn't bilingual.

2025-02-26T02:46:19Z (Diaries)
By @hub@cosocial.ca at Wed February 26, 2025 at 02:46:19AM GMT

Ah yeah, they have no clue about how carbon capture is snake oil...

That reminds me of the sniffer planes in 1979.

A sucker-politician born every minute.

2025-02-26T02:27:41Z (Diaries)
By @hub@cosocial.ca at Wed February 26, 2025 at 02:27:41AM GMT

That debate: somebody need to lecture the tech illiterates about how AI is a scam. IT DOESN'T WORK.

Cause for sure they have been sucking up to these AI charlatans.

2025-02-26T02:00:42Z (Diaries)
By @hub@cosocial.ca at Wed February 26, 2025 at 02:00:42AM GMT

You know who's rich? The guy in the debate that claim the capital gain tax shouldn't have been increased.

I'm sorry as long as my hard labour income is taxed more, than capital gains aren't taxed enough.

By @khm@hj.9fs.net at Tue February 25, 2025 at 21:13:34PM GMT
yeah what I'm looking for in a laptop manufacturer is technical incompetence to the degree that their website can't handle a couple thousand concurrent users

if they're getting the easy things wrong, what the hell are they getting right

2025-02-25T18:31:54Z (Diaries)
By @hub@cosocial.ca at Tue February 25, 2025 at 18:31:54PM GMT

The art of "let's price one dollar below the 10" make that sometime it's cheaper to get the items separately than the bundle. And likely cost more to the vendor due to two packages instead of one.