
Politics (Page 2 of 9)

2024-11-10T19:36:54Z (Politics)
By @hannu_ikonen@zeroes.ca at Sun November 10, 2024 at 19:36:54PM GMT

Its "purity politics" except we basically just want all of the tired, the downtrodden, the misfits, the marginalized, the excluded to have the ability to safely pursue a meaningful life without having to worry about their rights being taken away every 4 years, & we want people to be held to account in doing so while respecting each other in solidarity.

And we cannot have these things as long as billionaire overlords exist.

Fuck outta here with that shit.

You've had 100% of the say since Reagan.

Its time for a resilient left message.

2024-11-06T22:08:48Z (Politics)
By @timrichards@aus.social at Wed November 6, 2024 at 22:08:48PM GMT

I wasn't going to say much about the result, but I will say this...

IMO the neoliberal economics of the past forty-five years have broken democracy - by filling the average person's life with so much uncertainty economically (eg jobs, housing) that they'll reach out for passing strongmen and accept various scapegoats.

This economic dislocation gets passing mentions in analysis, but I think it's actually *the* big thing. However, it would require such a huge effort to fight vested interests that it gets almost instinctively pushed aside.

And centre-left parties are so complicit with the existing economic order and its corporate backers that they're hopeless at answering the challenge - see the Democrats, Labor, Labour, the Social Democrats, etc. They're only able to offer more of the same with tweaks, and that's become highly unappealing.

It feels a lot like the 1930s, and I'm not sure how we get out of this fascist spiral (a big modern equivalent of FDR's New Deal such as a UBI, maybe?) Economic business as usual isn't going to cut it, that's for sure.

2024-11-04T17:30:28Z (Politics)
By @zazzoo@mstdn.ca at Mon November 4, 2024 at 17:30:28PM GMT

Sadness over the loss of a Canadian hero. Sinclair's commission, a culmination of sorts of his life's work fighting for indigenous justice, offers us settlers a clear path forward in the face of a cruel and complicated history of colonialism, exploitation and genocide. We absolutely need to hold our governments' feet to the fire in return.


2024-10-27T18:15:32Z (Politics)
By @shansterable@c.im at Sun October 27, 2024 at 18:15:32PM GMT

Jeff Bezos has caved in to fascism by forbidding his Washington Post editorial staff from endorsing Kamala Harris in a likely quid pro quo with Mango Mussolini.

Jeff Bezos engaged in illegal union-busting tactics, spending over $14 million in 2022 alone to undercut his employees' rights.

Jeff Bezos spent $500 million to build his personal floating mansion Koru, the tallest sailing yacht in the world that is so big, it has its own 250-foot support yacht.

Jeff Bezos, executive chairman of Amazon, extorts 50% of revenue from sellers on the monopolistic retail website Amazon.com.

Jeff Bezos this year bought his *fourth* private jet for $80 million, a Gulfstream G700 luxury business jet that travels near the speed of sound. Bezos’ plane made 28 flights in 39 days — leaving a carbon footprint of 264 tons, or 17 times what the average American emits in a year.

Jeff Bezos, as reported by ProPublica, filed a tax return in 2011 showing he lost money and received a $4,000 child tax credit from the US government during a year in which his wealth held steady at $18 billion.

I can go on and on, but how many reasons do you need to boycott anything he touches?

Cancel your Washington Post subscription. Cancel your Amazon Prime membership. Boycott Amazon.

You have alternatives. Don't feed the beast.

2024-10-25T17:02:54Z (Politics)
By @gwynnion@mastodon.social at Fri October 25, 2024 at 17:02:54PM GMT

My hope for this election is there is still widespread enthusiasm for Harris because people don't pay enough attention to politics to have talked themselves out of it.

2024-10-17T15:07:53Z (Politics)
By @molly0xfff@hachyderm.io at Thu October 17, 2024 at 15:07:53PM GMT

Thank you, McSweeney's, for perfectly capturing the CoinDesk endorsement of Donald Trump I wrote about last night

McSweeney's: mcsweeneys.net/articles/im-an-

Newsletter: citationneeded.news/issue-68/

2024-10-16T17:10:42Z (Politics)
By @Lana@beige.party at Wed October 16, 2024 at 17:10:42PM GMT

As a kid I often wondered how the Germans could allow the Holocaust to happen. In the past year I've heard all the reasons why.

- "I don't want to lose my job"
- "It will cause friction in my family"
- "Both sides are bad"
- "This isn't my issue to speak about"
- "I'm too busy"
- "I don't care about politics"

2024-10-16T18:37:38Z (Politics)
By @deborahh@cosocial.ca at Wed October 16, 2024 at 18:37:38PM GMT

🚨 👀 🇨🇦 the opposition leader, and the entire party, refuse to even read the classified* investigative report documenting evidence of Conservative party members complicit in India's violent interference with residents and politics in Canada.


*classified? has bizarrely refused to even get the security clearance that's normal for members of Parliament. (Some folks conjecture he'd be denied because of his associations and conflicts.)