
Mindless Link Propagation (Page 20 of 202)

2025-02-03T23:10:45Z (MLP)
By @PatrickoftheG@mastodon.social at Mon February 3, 2025 at 23:10:45PM GMT

If you've ever seen a rutting moose go berserk on a tree because the tree kinda looked like moose antlers, you would know not to go anywhere near moose.

Fun Fact: Moose would regularly attack dogs where I grew up because moose are assholes.

Don't fuck with moose.


2025-02-03T02:30:10Z (MLP)
By @PatrickoftheG@mastodon.social at Mon February 3, 2025 at 02:30:10AM GMT

There is no amount of bribery or perk that makes having children worth it, to me. I am not alone. My guess is that most children are mistakes that don't get corrected, rather than anything deliberate. I think our skill in dealing with those mistakes, or preventing them to begin with, is what is killing the birth rate.
