If you've ever seen a rutting moose go berserk on a tree because the tree kinda looked like moose antlers, you would know not to go anywhere near moose.
Fun Fact: Moose would regularly attack dogs where I grew up because moose are assholes.
Don't fuck with moose.
@PatrickoftheG I've been camping and canoeing in Maine and New Brunswick. Moose are terrifying and there are more warnings about them than bears.
On one trip, one of our cars didn't make it to the first night's rendezvous. So one of the leaders backtracked and found them several hours away. They had hit a moose on the highway. From what I heard they were lucky they were in a mid-90s Suburban, because it was high enough to avoid the antlers going through the windshield. Car was totaled though.
@fskornia The damage from hitting one with a car is total and a lot of people don't walk away from that one alive. Your friends were lucky.
They are just colossal.
@PatrickoftheG I used to think mooses were the size of a horse. They very much ARE NOT 😱
@bougiewonderland Oh yes, you are right, much super not times five. Like don't go tangle with them.
@PatrickoftheG I've seen people walk up to within just a few feet from wild buffalo to snap photos.
I don't know why it doesn't dawn on people that large herbivores can seriously injure or kill them within seconds.
I even feel wary around white tale deer because they're larger than me and their hooves and teeth could become a problem.
@timberwraith I once heard American buffalo bulls described, and I paraphrase as "more than a ton of piss and testosterone and belligerence." I find it totally insane that people would go near one to take a picture.
And yeah, deer do a surprising number of fatalities a year and not just because people hit them with their cars.
Just stay away from the scary giant animals, people.
@PatrickoftheG Yep. I do. Eeeeeeeeeeee!