
Technology (Page 3 of 5)

2023-10-01T02:38:44Z (Technology)
By @m00dy@mastodon.sdf.org at Sun October 1, 2023 at 02:38:44AM GMT

The first successful step in the power64 port. Getting loaded by the opal firmware and making calls in to the opal api.

2023-09-16T20:50:35Z (Technology)
By @m00dy@mastodon.sdf.org at Sat September 16, 2023 at 20:50:35PM GMT

I am looking for those that are quite familiar with Japanese, Chinese, Korean or Vietnamese that could help verify the input implementations in for these languages. Feel free to DM or email.

2023-08-28T01:34:39Z (Technology)
By @m00dy@mastodon.sdf.org at Mon August 28, 2023 at 01:34:39AM GMT

Good progress on the port of the recently released wipeout-rewrite. Video courtesy of @sigrid since the game seems to miraculously only run on arm64 at the moment. I got 5$ on this being an amd64 compiler bug.