
Technology (Page 3 of 5)

2023-08-28T01:34:39Z (Technology)
By @m00dy@mastodon.sdf.org at Mon August 28, 2023 at 01:34:39AM GMT

Good progress on the port of the recently released wipeout-rewrite. Video courtesy of @sigrid since the game seems to miraculously only run on arm64 at the moment. I got 5$ on this being an amd64 compiler bug.

2023-07-21T16:11:26Z (Technology)
By @m00dy@mastodon.sdf.org at Fri July 21, 2023 at 16:11:26PM GMT

I wrote a mount wrapper that uses tlsclient so I can have encrypted authenticated 9p mounts in my fstab now. One more step for linux assimilation in to .