
Mindless Link Propagation (Page 5 of 170)

2025-01-07T12:06:52Z (MLP)
By @wim_v12e@scholar.social at Tue January 7, 2025 at 12:06:52PM GMT

How does a query to GPT-4 compare to driving a car?

A single query to GPT-4 with a 10,000-word answer size produces 450 gCO2e (*). An average UK car produces 132 gCO2e/km. So this query is equivalent to driving a car 3.4 km.

(*) wimvanderbauwhede.codeberg.pag and assuming 100 words for the queries in that article; in reality it is probably closer to 30 words, but I prefer to be conservative.
Car stats from nimblefins.co.uk/average-co2-e

2025-01-06T22:29:09Z (MLP)
By @justyourluck@masto.ai at Mon January 6, 2025 at 22:29:09PM GMT

Oh boy.

First Human Death from Reported in Louisiana

Yes, they're quick to comfort you with the fact that the deceased was old & sick... Oh sorry, "over 65 & had underlying medical issues"


Remember when they emphasized that about so they sent kids back to school & that continues to keep Covid going strong & how *surprise* a lot of college kids now have ? Yeah? Ok good. Keep remembering as this potentially becomes a pandemic.

2025-01-06T21:07:43Z (MLP)
By @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org at Mon January 6, 2025 at 21:07:43PM GMT

Louisiana Department of Health: DH reports first U.S. H5N1-related human death

"The Louisiana Department of Health reports the patient who had been hospitalized with the first human case of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), or H5N1, in Louisiana and the U.S. has died. ..."
