
Mindless Link Propagation (Page 37 of 202)

2025-01-07T21:48:28Z (MLP)
By @EricLawton@kolektiva.social at Tue January 7, 2025 at 21:48:28PM GMT

Canada challenges order to address 140,000-request backlog in First Nations children's program | CBC News

He's still PM, so why is he allowing this?

He only said that Canada's relationship with FNIM was our most important one, not that it should be a friendly one.

"Subjects" is a relationship.


> Indigenous Services Canada is going to court to overturn an order requiring it to immediately address a backlog of requests at the Jordan’s Principle program for First Nations youth in need.

2025-01-07T12:06:52Z (MLP)
By @wim_v12e@scholar.social at Tue January 7, 2025 at 12:06:52PM GMT

How does a query to GPT-4 compare to driving a car?

A single query to GPT-4 with a 10,000-word answer size produces 450 gCO2e (*). An average UK car produces 132 gCO2e/km. So this query is equivalent to driving a car 3.4 km.

(*) wimvanderbauwhede.codeberg.pag and assuming 100 words for the queries in that article; in reality it is probably closer to 30 words, but I prefer to be conservative.
Car stats from nimblefins.co.uk/average-co2-e

2025-01-06T22:29:09Z (MLP)
By @justyourluck@masto.ai at Mon January 6, 2025 at 22:29:09PM GMT

Oh boy.

First Human Death from Reported in Louisiana

Yes, they're quick to comfort you with the fact that the deceased was old & sick... Oh sorry, "over 65 & had underlying medical issues"


Remember when they emphasized that about so they sent kids back to school & that continues to keep Covid going strong & how *surprise* a lot of college kids now have ? Yeah? Ok good. Keep remembering as this potentially becomes a pandemic.