
Mindless Link Propagation (Page 14 of 202)

2025-02-03T15:32:45Z (MLP)
By @Sanderde@mstdn.ca at Mon February 3, 2025 at 15:32:45PM GMT

Trump: “They don’t allow our banks. Did you know that? Canada does not allow banks to go in.”

theglobeandmail.com/world/arti (paywall)

Don’t tell Citibank that:

Or J.P. Morgan:

Or Chase:

Or Capital One:



2025-02-03T15:26:07Z (MLP)
By @Brad@zeroes.ca at Mon February 3, 2025 at 15:26:07PM GMT

“3rd February 2025 – (Tokyo) A nationwide influenza outbreak of staggering magnitude has brought this island nation to its knees, shattering all recorded case data and leaving a wake of overwhelmed hospitals, scarce medical supplies, and tragically, fatalities. The untimely death of Taiwanese actress Barbie Hsu from flu complications at just 48 years old highlights the severity of the virus’s impact.”- dimsumdaily.hk/panic-grips-jap

2025-02-03T04:50:20Z (MLP)
By @mookie@chow.fan at Mon February 3, 2025 at 04:50:20AM GMT

If you haven't seen Sneakers before, you really should: It is such a great movie -- a thriller, with hacking, social engineering, humor, memorable characters and a great cast.

The score by James Horner features Branford Marsalis and is awesome.

It might have been released in 1992, but the ideas presented in the movie are still relevant some 33 years later. Maybe even more so now than back then.


2025-02-03T08:29:14Z (MLP)
By @CelianGodefroid@piaille.fr at Mon February 3, 2025 at 08:29:14AM GMT

Des nouvelles de la confidentialité de vos clouds Google Drive vis-à-vis de Google eux-mêmes :

Un avocat parisien a utilisé Google Drive comme service cloud pour son activité pro. Il intervenait dans un dossier de pédopornographie, avec des pièces à conviction en conséquence, comme on pourrait l'imaginer.

Google, scannant les fichiers du Drive de l'avocat (censément couvert par un secret professionnel très strict), a détecté les images, et désactivé le Drive et l'adresse Gmail de l'avocat, lui faisant ainsi perdre accès à toutes ses données professionnelles. Et il encourt des poursuites aux USA.

Quittez. Gmail. Et. Google Drive.


By @js@snac.lab8.cz at Sun February 2, 2025 at 23:29:37PM GMT
snac.lab8.cz is astounded to be able to announce that its instance just achieved an important milestone in the history of the Czech internet!

As of now, it is the biggest and most premier instance in the entirety of the Czech republic! (And possibly somewhere in the top 5 in Europe).

Thank you to all the members of our instance, who bled tears and cried phlegm to get us to where we are today, thank you to snac's author: @grunfink@comam.es , who's project remains a continuous source of hope and inspiration, but most importantly - thank you, the boosters, the favoriters, the bookmarkers, the reply-guys, the friends and foes, the consumers of content, for making the fediverse the place to be!

Good night.
