
Diaries (Page 2 of 375)

2025-01-15T16:15:42Z (Diaries)
By @DavidM_yeg@mstdn.ca at Wed January 15, 2025 at 16:15:42PM GMT

Today’ headline: “Boosting border security no longer enough”

Of course not: The first batch of threats had our leaders tripping over each other comply in advance, why wouldn’t he see how much more he can get? It won’t end until Canada shows we will cut the US out of a lot of valuable things it can’t get elsewhere.

2025-01-15T00:32:16Z (Diaries)
By @amuse@infosec.exchange at Wed January 15, 2025 at 00:32:16AM GMT

Publicly announcing that the 5% of your employees you plan to lay off are the "lowest performers" is probably the meanest thing a company leader could do. First they lose their jobs, then the CEO intentionally tarnishes their reputation in the market so they can't find another?

2025-01-15T13:55:29Z (Diaries)
By @clock@hulvr.com at Wed January 15, 2025 at 13:55:29PM GMT


Search on the internet is dead.

The web is almost completely useless.

All corporately owned social media should be jettisoned immediately. Yes, even that new one that feels like the old one.

We all saw it coming. It's here. Start over.

2023-01-10T05:01:34Z (Diaries)
By @Alice@beige.party at Tue January 10, 2023 at 05:01:34AM GMT

Dear Autocorrect,

My name is Alice, not Alive or Slice.

Thanks in advance,

2025-01-15T07:02:10Z (Diaries)
By @timClicks@mastodon.nz at Wed January 15, 2025 at 07:02:10AM GMT

If billionaires are upset with bias in Wikipedia, why don't they just spend a billion dollars or so and commission their own encyclopedia?

If they're interested in the marketplace of ideas, then they should get into the market.

Attention iPhone Users (Diaries)
By @paninid@mastodon.world at Wed January 15, 2025 at 02:09:10AM GMT

Apple's "Siri: Learn From This App" feature is enabled by default for every app on your device.

Siri is analyzing your interactions with apps, including banking, email, and messaging apps, unless you manually opt out one app at a time.

To turn it off:

1. Go to Settings.
2. Open Apps.
3. Select an app, then go to Siri settings.
4. Disable "Learn From This App".

There's NO global toggle.