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??none??: cannot open file: /amd64/lib/libc.a
mk: 6l -o ... : exit status=6l 4245094: error
Huh. That doesn't seem like a great error message to get.
Can someone explain me in which world, a member of the Canadian telecartel, that bribe all Government to oblivion to keep their monopoly, would SPAM me to sign a petition for more internet competition.
Beside the fact that I'm not shocked they break the law.
(it's actually the second I received)
My brain is 1.3 kilograms of self-electrified mostly fat, sitting in water, and having never actually seen or felt sunlight directly.
Of course my brain is lying to me about the good old days, it's lying about everything else I sense and remember.
this is the chrome logo if they were being honest
crop rotation sounds beneficial and all I guess, but, what I don't get is, you'd have to dig up the plant just to rotate it and stick it back in the ground, and that just sounds like a pain
Alito: I am concerned by the extremely filthy content that can be found on PornHub.
*looks over and sees his wife glaring at him*
Alito: Uhh I mean, what is pornography? Am I pronouncing that correctly, pornography? Apologies, I have literally never even heard this word before.
Initial response to @pluralistic regarding #FreeOurFeeds
Want to thank Cory Doctorow for answering questions about his support for Free Our Feeds here:
What follows is a response in the form of a list of concerns about FOF.
Cory rightly took exception to the "scolding" tone of some of the discussion so far. It is hoped that here, at least, we can keep it focused on the substance of this issue.
So, here goes...
Walgreens CEO says when you lock things up to prevent shoplifting, you don’t sell things either