There is a truck going up and down my street, sounding a horn to deliberately wake everyone up, so that people move their vehicles for snow removal to take place.
Ban cars.
There is a truck going up and down my street, sounding a horn to deliberately wake everyone up, so that people move their vehicles for snow removal to take place.
Ban cars. Ban cars and wooooo snow clearing!!!
@driusan What's the point of even moving it at this stage? It's been here a week we are all used to it. just wait until later today when you remember the joys of walking on a sidewalk without xcountry skis or skates or snowshoes or crampons (depending on the day or personal preference)
@driusan 2 hours later and they still haven't started. This was all for nothing. Did you know last year they had a pilot project to not use the sirens in some areas? Someone brought it up on a local Facebook group earlier in the year and apparently the results were "there wasn't enough snow last year, so we don't know if it worked. 🤷"
@driusan I don't understand why they just don't make an announcement on some convenient website and then just tow away people with a special fine as a revenue stream. Problem solved. Those of us who do not drive not being disturbed even better. And again like why would you do the siren and then not pick it up within 2 hours what a waste
@PatrickoftheG @driusan cars get moved and fined already. as for the announcement, the orange tags are here for it. There is even an app for that.
@hub @driusan I was not aware of there being an app until Dave brought it up. I'll look into it. Thank you.
@PatrickoftheG @driusan I find it more convenient to check out of my window. Did you think I photoshopped this morning's complaint? Think of all the money you've saved on alarm clocks!
@driusan I already have a screeching chinchilla alarm, thank you.
@driusan @PatrickoftheG some city with sense require a parking spot before being able to register a vehicule. But as an aside the same city as a transit system that make us look like a shit hole.
@hub @driusan there is a little Sim City type clone set in an unnamed Soviet place, that really taught me to resent how much space goes into parking. I think about that every now and then. I hate to say a video game made me think.
@PatrickoftheG @driusan articles about the design on SimCity said the designer had to be unrealistic about parking to make the game more playable.
Is it, like, a city employee? Or just a "helpful" neighbour?
We just changed the bylaws here to.allow on-street parking in winter, so I imagine that's coming to my neighbourhood soon.
@silvermoon82 They're official.
They send someone to wake everyone up and get them to move their cars. Then come the tow trucks to haul off anyone who doesn't move their car, I am sure with some fun fines, and then come the plows.
Oof, yeah.
Where I used to stay in Scarborough, there was no warning - if you were in the street or sidewalk when the plow arrives, it's a tow and $2000 impound fee.
Here, I think it's just a parking ticket (maybe an expensive special ticket?) and a 2m wall of snow surrounding your car.
@silvermoon82 as a pedestrian I don't really think about it too often, but my God a $2,000 fee on that sounds downright punitive and exciting. Way to go Scarborough.