$5 says this will be used to block Americans from seeing abortion material from other countries, or information about LGBTQ issues, within a decade.
2025-01-30T15:15:33Z (MLP)
By @PatrickoftheG@mastodon.social at Thu January 30, 2025 at 15:15:33PM GMT

@PatrickoftheG they never learn about blowback or whatever. every action is an individual moment in time and has no repercussions beyond it, no siree
@neurobashing Never learn or just don't care ends up the same way in the end.
@PatrickoftheG Got to build our own Great Firewall to keep up with the Chinese!
@fskornia It makes sense, though. The number one threat to the political establishment, be it the vulgar loud evil of the Republicans or the banal evil of the Democrats, is the American public being allowed to see how much better other people in the West have it than them.
i'm going to bet that it won't even take a decade... i'm gonna say some time within the next 2 to 4 years. maybe sooner. 😒
@HybridElephant Is this your take personally or as a representative of the Subgenius?
i've been watching these "people" (and i use the term loosely) for 50+ years, and i have seen what they have already done. they have been itching for this opportunity for a long time, and they are not going to let it pass without doing something.
@HybridElephant What a perfectly horrifying time to be alive.
clearly, representative Lofgren has not been paying any attention to USA politics.
@renedario or, like so many other politicians, he does not care about what has been going on. He probably cares very much about campaign donations, pacs, and sinecure though.
@PatrickoftheG I live in one of the countries this already happens. It has in no way reduced my ability to obtain pirate material.
@Black_Flag I think you might be a little better skilled an a little more knowledgeable than the average bear, when it comes to these matters.