2025-01-23T16:30:11Z (MLP) By @PatrickoftheG@mastodon.social at Thu January 23, 2025 at 16:30:11PM GMT There's something fun about foreign war movies.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VuGRBraMb0 Original Post
A little Korean War from the side you don't usually see.
Not this movie though, there's nothing fun to see in this movie. Ever. Kill all Nazis forever.
This counts because it's technically WWII.
We should mention "Red Dawn" in here, you think?
I definitely do not trust the Commies any more than the Nazis.
@bipartisan Depends on your definition of foreign, I guess; Red Dawn would be a foreign movie to me technically so it counts.
It was a terrible and stupid movie but I loved it. The remake not so much.
The remake seemed a muddle. The original was like all American 80s movies, just turned up a notch!
@bipartisan To each their own, but it was good 80s fun that one and will have that place in my heart.
If we're talking good commie-killing movies, I miss "Firefox" (the movie, not the browser) also.
Never got into the Rambo movies though. "First Blood" was OK, basically "High Noon" inverted.