Book of Revelations is interesting because you know, everyone up to the point that nonsense starts, gets a totally free pass to mostly do and believe what they want. But at that threshold, suddenly Old Testament God is back to be a douche-kaboob to everyone who is left. He must just hate those people more than just everyone else.
Bonus Points: It was only added in after everyone lied about who the real author was.
Perfect fraud.
@PatrickoftheG maybe if I find a pdf of Revelations, I'm going to stick it into the Google Notebook LLM then ask for dating advice.
@mwistar I feel it's going to be biased toward the whore of Babylon, but hey, mileage varies.
@PatrickoftheG 😂
The Pesher Technique website says the NT is history, coded Jewish church history - including Revelations, that it fades out but it tells of the first several popes, Jesus I, II, III, and Jesus IV 😀
@punishmenthurts Heck, the whole thing just reads like a hit list against a bunch of Eastern Churches that the dude doesn't like at all.
is that right, that rings a bell. They said there’s stuff in there about Peter and maybe others trying to make themselves leaders of their own cults, I wonder if that’s the same parts.
@punishmenthurts That feels familiar too. It is what it is, which is not what most people think it is.
yeah. 👍