I wasn't going to say much about the result, but I will say this...
IMO the neoliberal economics of the past forty-five years have broken democracy - by filling the average person's life with so much uncertainty economically (eg jobs, housing) that they'll reach out for passing strongmen and accept various scapegoats.
This economic dislocation gets passing mentions in analysis, but I think it's actually *the* big thing. However, it would require such a huge effort to fight vested interests that it gets almost instinctively pushed aside.
And centre-left parties are so complicit with the existing economic order and its corporate backers that they're hopeless at answering the challenge - see the Democrats, Labor, Labour, the Social Democrats, etc. They're only able to offer more of the same with tweaks, and that's become highly unappealing.
It feels a lot like the 1930s, and I'm not sure how we get out of this fascist spiral (a big modern equivalent of FDR's New Deal such as a UBI, maybe?) Economic business as usual isn't going to cut it, that's for sure.