So sad #factchecking at #meta
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NBC News built their map of the fire in some silly way so that the fire overlay doesn't move with the map, which means you can drag the fire over any place you want. It's actually kind of neat to compare it with the size of other cities
I'm not saying you should impersonate or spread disinformation about people who own the big social networks that have gone full asshat, but this is how I got my ban from Twitter.
I will never understand why more people aren’t angry and radicalized by the events of the last five years.
The anti mask, anti-vaxx crowd are angry… but they’re also terribly misinformed and on the wrong side of history.
Those of us with disabilities are livid … but we aren’t heard. We’re treated as even more invisible now than we were five years ago. An unwelcome reminder of Covid and the frail nature of the human condition.
But what about everyone else? The anti mask crowd may be the loudest, but they’re far from the majority.
Why aren’t the rest of you angry? Why are so many people content to accept and normalize mass death and disability?
An article came out in PBS today that puts the total COVID deaths at over 20 million.
20 million people. Those are fathers, mothers, spouses, grandparents, siblings and children. Each number represents a loved one to someone else.
Where’s the outcry?
400 million are dealing with Long Covid. That’s an obscene amount of people whose lives are forever changed. Who may never again know what it’s like to be healthy or exist in a body that isn’t rife with suffering.
Where’s the rage?
We know how to prevent covid. We’ve known for years. Yet rather than adapting our lifestyle and being humble in the face of a novel virus - we’ve given it the reins.
We’ve conceded defeat before we even put up a fight. Accepted repeat infections as inevitable. Shrugged our shoulders as we report more and more deaths. Aggressively minimized and disappeared those with Long Covid.
This should make you angry. It doesn’t need to be this way.
What would success look like? What would fighting back entail?
🫶Mandatory masking in all healthcare facilities (with respirators)
🫶Free tests and vaccines for everyone
🫶Better funding of anti virals and other treatments
🫶Clean air in all public spaces with transparent data visible to the public
🫶Clean air on school busses and anywhere that children congregate
🫶Paid time off for everyone who’s sick
🫶Free respirators in public places AND freely available to anyone who can’t afford precautions
🫶A robust public health campaign about how to properly wear a respirator
🫶A brutally honest public health campaign about the dangers of COVID. We have to stop treating it like a respiratory virus and make the public aware that it’s a multi system vascular virus with immune damaging capabilities
Doing even a few of those things would make a huge difference. Doing all of them would end the pandemic.
Get angry. Get loud. Demand better. Demand transparency.
Say that 20 million dead is not “mild”. That 900 dying every week in the U.S. is not “over”. That 400 million disabled will NOT be ignored.
#covidisairborne #covidisnotover #sarscov2 #longcovid #pandemic #cleanair #wearamask #disability #ableism #eugenics
People like Disney because it's the fantasy of a European walkable city that's accessible, and has easy available public transport.
Who are the people who thought that Mark Zuckerberg was OK until now but today he's really crossed a line?
I'm seeing a lot of it and come on. It's been very clear who he is for a long, long time. They made a whole movie about it literally 15 years ago.
Who could have predicted that the greed crazed sociopathic billionaire tech bros would turn out to be such dicks.
Canada challenges order to address 140,000-request backlog in First Nations children's program | CBC News
He's still PM, so why is he allowing this?
He only said that Canada's relationship with FNIM was our most important one, not that it should be a friendly one.
"Subjects" is a relationship.
> Indigenous Services Canada is going to court to overturn an order requiring it to immediately address a backlog of requests at the Jordan’s Principle program for First Nations youth in need.
I never got a ticket to the Eras tour, but did snag a seat in the #TrBam NYC Congedtion Pricing session. First up, Alejandro Molnar of the World Bank describes prior research showing that vehicle growth in the pre-pandemic years was almost entirely ride-hail cars